‘Tis the season! Yes, the celebration of this magical time of the year is upon us. Perhaps you feel stretched and challenged…after all, you should have a balanced life – correct? You should be able to manage all of the parts that contribute to the impeccable functioning of the whole person you are. Would you consider taking a risk and IGNORING BALANCE? As Marcus Buckingham, author and coach, says, “When you are balanced, you are stationary, holding your breath … you are at a standstill.” “Balance is the opposite of movement; movement implies a tilt, a tipping, a reaching toward something.” Are you guilty of the balance myth? Do you try to do all things, at all times, for all people…is your goal to multitask to the maximum and then collapse in exhaustion because whatever you do is never quite enough?
“If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you will never have enough.”
~ Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, producer, philanthropist ~
Do you look at the “half full glass” inferred by Ms. Winfrey, or are you proned to the “half empty glass?” Does the influence of this time of year support your attitude of gratitude we talked about in last week’s post, or are you caught in the web of trying to grab it all because every inch of your being is screaming, more, more, more? Do you have a singular focus and a sense that you are “full,” or do you strive relentlessly to acquire what you do not have? Would you consider intentionally placing an emphasis on one aspect of your life that would give you the greatest sense of fullness – of fulfillment?
As you pick up your pen and ponder this post in your coziest of cozy corners, write your truth and how it would be to feel the bountiful abundance that is already YOU!!
Looking forward to Spinning a Good Yarn next time on December 11!
Happy JOURNALING ~ Hope to see you on my COMMENT page!
Trish: Enjoyed writing on this prompt. Rudri
Thank you, Rudri! Look forward to writing with you in 2010.