“To become a grandparent is to enjoy one of the few pleasures in life for which the consequences have been paid in advance.” ~ Robert Brault (www.robertbrault.com), Freelance Writer and Author
Today was the annual Grandparents Day celebration at the school of my two young grandchildren — of course my husband and I wouldn’t have missed it for any amount of cash or treasure! Being at their school and seeing the pride in their eyes as we sat in their classrooms and walked about the school campus was decidedly a grand reward for the multitude of joyful sacrifices made through the parenthood journey only a few decades earlier.
Being a grandparent is not a prerequisite for writing your truth this week, but if you are, you may have a unique inroad in considering this prompt. As you snuggle up to the cozy corner to Spin a Good Yarn, can you think of a time(s) in your life experience when you have paid it forward for a reward, positive experience, special result? Write about your experience. Was the payback worth the cost? Would you do it again? Do you have advice for others as a result of your wisdom and personal experience?
Happy Journaling and I will see you on “Black Friday,” November 27th!
Your comments are always welcome – Happy Thanksgiving, too!!