Courage and Honesty

Courage and honesty. These words by Eleanor Roosevelt in last week’s prompt taunted your brain and teased your thinking.

This week we consider Mrs. Roosevelt’s words from a diffferent angle, reflected in the words of another famous woman, Gloria Steinem.

Feminist and political activist, Gloria Steinem, said:

“This first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.”

We talked about the value of being a “learner?” The term “unlearn” is the opposite.  What does “unlearn” mean to you in this context?  What does courage and honesty have to do with anything, anyway?

Have you ever unlearned and changed your views based upon a specific experience or incident? Did the experience tap the core of your being and summon great courage and honesty? How did it change you – your perspective, your relationships, your attitude, your behavior?

~ Happy Journaling ~

~Glad you stopped by the cozy corner to Spin a Good Yarn today ~

   Take a moment to write me on my Contact page!

 See you on October 23 . . . at the cozy corner . . . keep writing!


One thought on “Courage and Honesty

  1. I love the falling leaves on your page, Trish! How did you DO that??? Very fun, and even though the weather turned hot again here in AZ, I love the way it makes it feel like fall!!!

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