Tumbling into Fall Colors

With the full forces of seasonal change upon us, are you equipped to meet the challenges of the new season? Perhaps, like many, you have stored your talents and skills – even your emotions and knowledge – for the changes that you meet at this time. 

Eric Hoffer, American philosopher and social writer said:

“In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

In Hoffer’s definition:  Are you a learner? Or, are you learned?

Have your skills, knowledge, emotional state prepared you to deal with change and challenges of a new season – perhaps the beginning of  a new season of your life?

                                    HAPPY JOURNALING!

                                    See you on Friday, October 9!

                     Spin a Good Yarn as you snuggle up in a cozy corner!

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One thought on “Tumbling into Fall Colors

  1. I’ve started a new book project this fall, and I don’t know how prepared I am. Am I a learner? We’ll have to see! I’ll keep working on this idea in my journal this week, Trish. It’s a good one to think on!

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