My Debut Novel Will Be Released on March 30!

BEYOND THE PETTUS BRIDGE by Trish Dolasinski, Ed.D.
I loved this story of hope and found myself rooting for Claire as she summoned the courage to speak out for justice and equality—a message still needed in America today.
Susan Pohlman, Author Halfway to Each Other and A Time to Seek
Beyond the Pettus Bridge by Trish Dolasinski is an exploration of several relatable themes: racial relations, transitions, sacrifice, sisterhood, loss, and reconciliation. Dolasinski expertly navigates the terrain of these complicated topics with characters that linger in the reader’s mind. Ultimately, the novel gives shape to what it means to hope in an uncertain landscape.
Rudri Bhatt Patel, Writer and Co-Founder/Co-Editor of The Sunlight Press.
Trish Dolasinski, Ed.D. excitedly offers her debut historical fiction novel, Beyond the Pettus Bridge, written from her personal experience as a Yankee newlywed and teacher in the Deep South in the late 1960s. This was a tumultuous time in American history, following post-Civil Rights legislation, amid the climate in the U.S. surrounding the Vietnam War — Beyond the Pettus Bridge reflects these social challenges.
A fire rages. Children race to escape the woods being devoured by flames. A man in a white robe is carried away on a stretcher.
Claire, a young, Yankee teacher, and her new husband, Bruce, moved from Detroit to Selma, Alabama in 1969 when he joined the Air Force.
It doesn’t take long for Claire to realize there’s more to this town than meets the eye, but she has her own issues to overcome: a miscarriage, family drama, connecting with her students, and settling into social beckoning in the Deep South.
Touch button below to see photos from the time and place of BEYOND THE PETTUS BRIDGE