Seasons and Change





Seasons do signal change and a new season of autumn is now here.  Consider for a moment the Words of Wisdom of a very young Woman.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank

How do you make positive change happen each day?  Is what you do important? Why? Why not?

Happy Journaling!

See you October 3!


Spin a Good Yarn as you snuggle up in a cozy corner!

Please click the “comment” section below to say “hello” and let me know what you thought of this week’s prompt.





11 thoughts on “Seasons and Change

  1. Diane,
    So pleased that you not only visited me, but helped me tremendously in getting up and running! Yea, and thank you so much!

  2. Thank you, Windy Lynn, for stopping by and joining us in the cozy corner this week. I look forward to hearing more about “spins on your yarn!”
    Happy journaling! Trish

  3. Hi Brian,
    Thank you for stopping by the cozy corner today. I appreciate your kind words and I am happy that you were here!

  4. Thank you for making me think about daily positive changes, Trish. In my journal work this morning I wrote about things like who I feed and what domestic thing I do for the family, but by page two I started writing about the attitude that goes into those mom/wife/dog owner moments. I learned a few things about myself and I plan to play around with how the main character of my latest novel creates positive changes, too.

    Keep ’em coming, Trish–this is fun!

  5. Hi Windy,
    One of the purposes of a journal can be to develop and create fictional characters. It truly delights me to know that you are finding the prompts so useful for your writing. Thanks for sharing! It is fun to have you here, Windy! Trish

  6. Journaling. What a great idea, Trish, to get the writing juices flowing. As Victor Hugo once said, “No army can stop the force of an idea whose time has come.” I think the time has come for your journal-writing website.

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